Any raw data you submit to our server while using the RelaxIS DRT application is only used temporarily in volatile memory for the purpose of calculating the results and is then discarded immediately.
No person can manually inspect your data in any way.
Data we do store
The server keeps connection logs containing the following fields
Date of the request
Anonymised IP address and User Agent (e.g. browser type) of the remote endpoint
Type of request, e.g. POST/GET
Type of task to be performed by the server (plotting or DRT calculation)
These logs are only used for internal performance monitoring and usage statistics. The data is not shared with any third-parties.
Please also refer to our dedicated privacy policy or feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
You can withdraw your agreement at any time for the future via E-Mail to
This DRT implementation is based on ideas and methods introduced by the Ciucci group (University of Bayreuth).
For details please refer to their original publications
Ting Hei Wan, Mattia Saccoccio, Chi Chen, Francesco Ciucci,
Influence of the Discretization Methods on the Distribution of Relaxation Times Deconvolution: Implementing Radial Basis Functions with DRTtools, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 184,
1 December 2015, Pages 483-499, ISSN 0013-4686,
DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2015.09.097.
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